Dating tips

  • Reminder: Brush Up On Scam Technique

    27 Mar 2023

    Nowadays scam activity on dating websites is very popular phenomenon. It is sad to recognize it because some dishonest people who cheat on dating websites don’t let those really serious men and women find each other and create happy couples.

    The main goal of female dating scammers is extracting money from men. Usually such kind of activity takes place if a man and woman have the possibility to exchange personal contact information. In this case the woman can ask man for money directly. If the man communicates with a foreign woman, and she starts asking him for financial help because some relative is ill or because of some serious problems in family, these are very clear characteristics of scam. The other popular example is when the lady persuades man in her deep love and asks him to help with visa and tickets in order to arrive to his country. Of course, when necessary financial help is received, the woman disappears completely in the majority of cases.

    If you plan to use dating website for the search of your life partner from other country, pay attention on anti-scam protection which the chosen dating website offers. is a popular Ukrainian dating resource and it pays a lot of attention to protection of male and female members from scam.

  • Effective Points How To Be Immaculate Agency

    23 Mar 2023

    An honest dating agency is probably a rather controversial matter nowadays, because the Internet is full of various dating and matchmaking websites and regretfully not all of them are trustworthy and reliably. Some of these sites are pure scam sites who cheat their members using desire of lonely people to find their second halves. How to find a real immaculate dating agency which can help you find your life partner?

    It is necessary to explore the website very attentively, to pay attention of safety and security measures, on the protection against scam which the website provides. It also makes sense to search opinions on the Internet. In general, those dating resources that take care of security draw members’ attention to this fact and it adds one more score for them. If you find only positive opinions about the dating website, it may look strange too, because in general, there are always content members and upset members regarding everything.

  • Giving flowers to Ukrainian girls

    22 Mar 2023

    Beautiful women since ancient times were compared with flowers. There is no better way to express your admiration and tenderness to the girl than the exquisite or simply lovely flowers.

    Practically all women on the planet, meet with a benevolent smile gallant guys who came on a date with a bouquet. But before you give flowers to a charming Ukrainian girl you should learn the peculiarities of floral etiquette in her national culture and then you will make a good impression from the very beginning of the relationship.

  • Scam Victims

    09 Mar 2023

    Speaking about scam, we should say that not men are the easiest victims of online con artists. Statistical numbers state that females is the most vulnerable part of social media and dating web-sites users. It is hard to imagine to what extremes they are ready to go in their hope to become closer to their virtual «knights in shining armour». One should not call them naive or stupid but sometimes love makes all of us blind, so it is better to stay informed before starting your online dating activities. The biggest dating web-sites also have their own ways of protecting their customers. It is our hope that some real life stories published in this article are going to raise alertness of the dating web-sites users and will help them to avoid some familiar scammers' traps.

  • 400 millions users of dating websites have their data leaked out to the internet

    09 Mar 2023

    How to protect your personal data in internet? The answer still remains unknown, as judged by the latest events. A website AdultFriendFinder was subject to a big huck attack recently. As a consequence 400 millions users suffered. All their passwords have been cracked and their personal information has been shared.

    By the way, do you know what passwords do people use predominantly? Combinations 123456 and similar ones. Agree, it is quite unwise to choose such a combination and leave personal data vulnerable. More details about this hack attack and popular password combinations you will find in this article.