Dating tips

  • What should you never say on a first date?

    20 Apr 2023

    You have already invited the lady to the first date, you are corresponding to the nice woman and imagine your first date or maybe you are single and just curious about this topic. No matter why you are interested in what to do or not on the first date. We’d like to share helpful tips for men. These pieces of advice will be very useful when you are having the first encounter with the woman you like. Let’s discuss what to do on the first date and things not to do on the first date, they will encourage you, you will be confident and successful. Don’t jump in at the deep end, we are here to support you and to help you.

  • Happy Easter! Award-winning egg hunting starts!

    19 Apr 2023

    This Easter will be very joyful for you! Spend it together with your lady! Even if she is Orthodox and doesn't celebrate Catholic Easter, share your traditions with her. Don't forget to send her your wishes and tell about the most interesting Easter celebrations you have ever seen and took part in.

    Your dearest lady will be very glad to hear your voice. And if you still haven't found your closest soul, meet her this Easter! Invite ladies to chat and write to them, because this great holiday is a wonderful moment to build your happy future!

  • Best winter date ideas with Ukrainian woman.

    18 Apr 2023

    Time runs steadily forward. The carefree summer has faded. A bright autumn flew off on the wings of golden foliage.

    So winter is already on your doorstep. Is your only love still not finding you? Then it is very possible that this particular season will give you a fairy tale of love and first dates.

    A miracle happens to those who believe in it. Create the magic of winter dates with UaDreams!

  • How to avoid becoming a victim of cloaking?

    16 Apr 2023

    Modern Internet technologies give us unlimited opportunities of communication, dating and making close relationships. But they also contain many “pitfalls” such as various types of online fraud, blackmail, insults and other unpleasant surprises.

    The latter can be also attributed to the so-called “cloaking”. This is one of the newest terms calling a painful problem that arises when two people date in the global network. Right this issue will be discussed in our material.

  • Ukraine Is Famous For Its Sex-Tourism Trips

    15 Apr 2023

    A big part of Ukrainian girls and women with serious intentions to get acquainted with foreign men may easily run into sexual game lovers. According to the law of Ukraine there is no specific notion for sex-tourism nowadays but in Ukraine ladies who are interested in a sex job are used to search for their potential clients in networks or international dating websites, they also receive some commission from those dating websites for giving beautiful photos to attract men all over the world which are used to fool their members with consciously forged profiles with those photos.

    Foreign men consider Ukrainian women to be beautiful, mature, tender, thoughtful and easy to approach. That’s why to buy sex is normal for them. A part of illegal sex-industry consists of online services and dating agencies that foreigners use for their purposes to find a one-night girl. It is quite easy to visit Ukraine with a properly prepared trip and sex services guaranteed in a so called «sex tour». Still mentally Ukrainian nation is far from accepting prostitution. Many Ukrainian ladies have intentions to make their deep dream to marry happily a reality. They are pursuing for successful communication to start a real family, with beloved person next to them and children of course. UaDreams is one of those dating web-sites that cares about ladies and their member’s safety, and the agency has a lot of experience in international dating sphere.